Tips For Being A Work From Home Mom

Many Jackson Hole photographers, business owners, and working professionals are transitioning to work from home. It can be a stellar switch, but being a parent brings its own challenges. How can you balance being a work from home mom? Here are some of my insights from the last few years. 

Create Systems

My first advice is to create systems. Systems are useful both at home and in business. For example, many people keep a notecard system for dinner planning, or a tight schedule for how their family spends time after work or school. I’ve found systems to be helpful for me because they increase my efficiency and make sure things don’t fall through the cracks. 

Self Care for a Work from Home Mom

Next up, and we hear this all the time, so open your heart to it: don’t forget to take care of yourself. And it’s more than just facials and pedicures. When you’re split between working for your family and working with your family, you start to feel stretched thin. Find an outlet that works for you. 

This topic is so important to me, I wrote another blog on it with a ton more detail for you if you feel like this is something you struggle with. Your self care is directly related to your mental and physical health, and it’s crucial for any work from home mom. 

Outsourcing for a Work from Home Mom

When you work from home, your task list is endless. Trust me, I know! But you don’t have to do it alone. I would encourage you to outsource any task that doesn’t bring you joy or give you the ability to focus on the things you do best. Finding a team of people to support you helps you have energy for the most important things. 

Try to Embrace the Experience

As hard as it is to be a work from home mom, it’s always good to honor your experiences. There will be positive days and negative days, but trust that you’re doing a great job. These moments aren’t forever. When you can, slow down, and embrace the happy moments that come your way. 

So those are my thoughts, straight from my little Jackson Hole photographer’s heart. I hope you know you’re not alone in your experience as a work from home mom. Look to my blog for more support and tips for the self-employed. 

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